While on the surface this book may look like it is about me and my journey, and it most certainly tells my story, it is not really about me, but rather about YOU! I didn’t write this to be a memoir of my life or to boost my own ego. I wrote it for you, whoever you are.
It is about you discovering your symbol for your life’s quest for your own freedom! It is going to make you confront and collide with your current reality of who you are and where you are today. It is going to make you question where and who you are and why you are that way. I am going to be real and raw with you in this book. Why?
Because I am focused on living a life of truth. By me choosing to live this way, you benefit, but only if you decide to make the decision to live a life of FACTS and TRUTH. You must view this as the foundation. So let’s stop lying and get into it.
The TRUTH is I never thought I would write a book. I always wanted to write a book. But I never thought anyone would want to read my story. I didn’t think I had a story worth telling. But that was the lie I was living. Chances are you might feel the same, and I can attest to you today that you are wrong.
I have been on a quest for many years to discover me, to discover what my purpose is for this life, what my calling is from God for my life. Today, more than ever, because of the struggles, loss and challenges I have faced, the success I have had, the multiple failures I have experienced, the lessons I have learned, are all a result of making the choice to FREE myself from the made up Prison I was in. The cell I was stuck in, the cell I created myself. It just took me awhile to realize that I had the keys in my pocket, and I could walk out at any time.
My Guess is you need to FREE yourself in some why in your life, BEARDOLOGY is just the beginning to so. Thank you for coming along this journey with me.
I found out what the verb BEARD means; this meaning has ironically been the definition for my entire life, I just didn’t know it.
Verb: Bearded, Bearding, Beards.
To confront with boldness, resolution, and often effrontery: DEFIANCE.
The BEARD took on a life of its own and became my Bat symbol for my life’s quest for my own freedom!
In this BOOK you will discover what is holding you from living the life you DESIRE
Do you let FEAR stop you from what your soul is calling you to do?
The FACTS are one day when you die. Your name will be forgotten, unless you use the time you have left to pursue your souls purpose, calling and desire.
Do you struggle with BELIEF in yourself to accomplish the life you desire? The truth is most will never pursue their full potential in their lifetime. That means their LEGACY WILL SUFFER!